phones come with an accessible alarm clock app, which is surprisingly handy. On
the road, users can have their phones wake them up in the morning. At home,
they can set alarms for the start or end of their exercise routines, the time
needed to boil an egg, the beginning of a favorite TV show, or the times they
normally take any medication. At work, they can set alarms for specific tasks
(e.g., work on X for an hour before moving on to Y for today). This post covers
setting, using, and managing alarms with the stock alarms app in Android 2.2.
Finding the Alarms
The Alarms
app is part of an app called Clock. To find it, users start at their home
screens, find the All Applications list, navigate to Clock, and launch the app.
Once in Clock, users scroll to and press the selector on Alarms. The steps are
as follows:
• From the
stock home screen, scroll to and press the selector on All Applications or on
Sliding drawer; then scroll to and press the selector on Clock.
• From the
Eyes-Free Shell, down-stroke to Applications; type the letter C and scroll down
to Clock, or use stroke dialing. Then press the enter, selector, or Search
• From Mobile
Accessibility, swipe down to Apps, double tap, swipe to Clock, and double-tap
again. The MA suite has it's own alarm clock app called Alarms.
Getting Familiar with the Clock Screen
The clock app
has an interesting organization, which is easiest to conceptualize as an interrupted
loop. When the app opens, focus is on the Dim button, and scrolling down once
moves focus to the Alarms button. If users scroll left from Dim, focus moves to
Music, Gallery, and Alarms, and from Alarms, they can scroll up once to return
to Dim. If users start at Dim and scroll down once to Alarms, they can scroll
right to Gallery, Music, and Launcher, and from Launcher, they can scroll up
once to return to Dim.
Pressing the
Menu button while on the
Clock screen moves focus to Alarms, Add Alarms, and Dock Settings. The Alarms item on the Clock screen and the one accessed from the Menu button open the same screen; likewise, Add Alarms from the Clock Menu options opens the same screen as Add Alarms from the Alarms screen.
Clock screen moves focus to Alarms, Add Alarms, and Dock Settings. The Alarms item on the Clock screen and the one accessed from the Menu button open the same screen; likewise, Add Alarms from the Clock Menu options opens the same screen as Add Alarms from the Alarms screen.
Pressing the
selector on Gallery, Launcher, or Music while on the Clock screen launches the
default photo, music, or home screen app.
Setting an Existing Alarm
A few alarms
are preset on the phone, and each time a new one is set, it is added to the
chronological list of alarms, so the quickest way for users to set an alarm is
to scroll through the list of existing alarms and check one. The steps are
1. Launch
Clock from the home screen using the steps described in an earlier section of
this post.
2. Navigate
to and press the selector on Alarms.
3. Scroll
through the list. The first item is an Add Alarm button, and the last item is
Clock Display, which returns focus to the Clock main screen. All the items in
between are individual alarms, listed chronologically (e.g., 9:00 a.m. appears
before 3:30 p.m.).
4. Find the
desired alarm, and do one of the following:
a. Long-press
(2-3 seconds) the selector, scroll to Turn Alarm On, and press the selector
Short-press the selector, scroll to and press the selector on the Turn on alarm
checkbox to check it, scroll through the alarm details and edit if desired, and
navigate to and press the selector on Done, or simply press Back to set the
alarm and return to the previous screen.
5. Press Back
several times or Home to return to the home screen.
Setting a New Alarm
The process
of setting a new alarm feels long and tedious the first time or two. After
that, it becomes quick and efficient.
1. Launch
Clock from the home screen using the steps described in an earlier section of
this post.
2. Press
3. Navigate
to and press the selector on Add Alarm.
4. Fill in
the alarm information. Initially, the screen appears to have only two items: a
Turn On Alarm checkbox and below it a Set item. Scroll up or to the right from
Set and more items appear. They form a rough grid and are as follows from left
to right and top to bottom :
a. Increment
Hour & Increment Minute – Briefly pressing the selector on one of these
items adds one hour or one minute to the number that is already in the edit
field (e.g., from 10 to 11). Pressing and holding the selector down on these
controls increases the hours or minutes, depending on how long the selector is
pressed: holding it down a couple of seconds increases by a small amount, and
holding it down several seconds increases by a larger amount. When the selector
is released, focus returns to the appropriate edit field, but the number does
not refresh automatically for the screen reader, so you need to scroll up or
down, then back, to hear the new number in the edit field.
b. Hours edit
field, Minutes edit field, & AM/PM button – The edit fields show the
current time, so if it's 11:35 AM, the Hours edit field shows 11; the Minutes
edit field shows 35; and the AM/PM button is set to AM. Enter the time you want
the alarm to go off by typing into the edit fields or by pressing the selector
on the Increment or Decrement controls (above or below). On many phones, it may
be necessary to erase the current time before entering new numbers with the
keyboard. If your phone does not have a number row, it may be necessary to
press the alt key twice in each edit field before typing numbers. Scroll left
to and press the selector on the AM/PM button to toggle between AM and PM. If
the Talkback keyboard is enabled and you have trouble scrolling out of the edit
fields, try pressing alt twice, then once more, before attempting to navigate
away from the edit fields again.
c. Decrement
Hour & Decrement Minute – Briefly pressing the selector on one of these
items subtracts one hour or one minute from the number that is already in the
edit field (e.g., from 10 to 9). Pressing and holding the selector down on
these controls decreases the hours or minutes, depending on how long the selector
is pressed: holding it down a couple of seconds decreases by a small amount,
and holding it down several seconds decreases by a larger amount. When the
selector is released, focus returns to the appropriate edit field, but the
number does not refresh automatically for the screen reader, so you need to
scroll up or down, then back, to hear the new number in the edit field.
d. Set &
Cancel – Pressing the selector on these confirms or clears the alarm time and
returns focus to the previous screen.
5. Once the
alarm has been set, focus moves to a screen with additional options. Scroll
through them and make any changes. Options are as follows:
a. Turn Alarm
On – This checkbox is already checked for you. Press the selector to uncheck it
if you don't want to hear the alarm.
b. Time –
This shows the time you expect the alarm to go off. Pressing the selector here
moves focus to the Alarm Set screen described in Step 4.
c. Repeat –
This dropdown list is set to Never by default. Pressing the selector here moves
focus to a list of the days of the week. If you want the alarm to go off on
Monday through Friday, but not on Saturday or Sunday, SCROLL TO AND press the
selector ON Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to check those
days; then scroll to and press the selector on OK.
d. Ringtone –
The default alarm ringtone sounds like an old fashion alarm clock. To change
it, press the selector on this item, navigate to and press the selector on the
ringtone of your choice, then jump to the bottom of the ringtone list with
alt+down-arrow, scrolling down one more time and pressing the selector on OK.
e. Vibrate –
This checkbox is checked by default. Press the selector here to uncheck it if
you do not want the phone to vibrate when the alarm goes off.
f. Label –
This item allows you to name the alarm. Press the selector here, type the label
name in the edit field, then scroll to and press the selector on OK. The label
name is spoken when the alarm goes off. This is a handy feature as names
simplify choosing an alarm and act as reminders of what the alarm is for. So if
you have a favorite show, you can set an alarm for it, then find it quickly by
naming the alarm after the show, and if you're busy getting dinner ready, you
can have two alarms set for the same general period of time, one called
Casserole for turning off the oven and another called pudding for chilling the
g. Done,
Revert, Delete – These three items appear at the bottom of the list of options.
Done saves the alarm information. Revert clears the alarm settings. Delete
discards the alarm. Navigate to and press the selector on any of these, or
press back to accept the current settings and return to the previous screen.
6. When the
alarm goes off, press the hardware volume or camera button to stop or snooze
the alarm.
Setting Alarm Behavior
The Clock app
offers users the option to determine alarm behavior through the Settings item
on the alarm screen. The choices made in this Settings screen affect all alarms
and remain in place until they are changed to something else.
To set alarm
behavior, do the following:
1. Launch
Clock from the home screen using the steps described in an earlier section of
this post.
2. Navigate
to and press the selector on Alarms.
3. Press the
Menu button.
4. Navigate
to and press the selector on Settings; then scroll through the following items,
making changes as desired.
a. Alarm in
silent mode – Checking this item allows the alarm to ring even when the phone
is set to vibrate or silent mode. This item is checked by default as many users
silence their phones at night.
b. Alarm
volume – Pressing the selector here pulls up a screen with a seek control and
OK and Cancel buttons. Arrowing right on the seek control increases the volume
of the alarm while arrowing left decreases it. Pressing the selector on OK sets
the volume level and moves focus to the previous screen.
c. Snooze
duration – Pressing the selector here opens a list for setting the interval
between snoozes. Options are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes. Navigate to and
press the selector on the desired item. Then press Back to return to the
previous screen.
d. Volume and
camera button – Pressing the selector here pulls up options that determine what
effect the volume and camera buttons have on the alarms. Options are None,
Snooze, Dismiss, and Cancel. Choosing None means that pushing the volume or
camera button does nothing while the alarm is ringing. Snooze means that
pressing the volume or camera button stops the alarm temporarily, and Dismiss means
that pressing Volume or Camera stops the alarm once and for all. Press Back to
return to the previous screen.
5. Press Back
several times or Home once to return to the home screen.
Stopping and Snoozing Alarms
When an alarm
rings, users can stop it temporarily (snooze) or completely (dismiss),
depending on their setting in the Volume and Camera option described in the previous
section of this post.
What to do
when the alarm rings:
• If the
option is set to Dismiss, press the physical volume or camera button to stop
the alarm permanently.
• If the
option is set to Snooze, Press the physical volume or camera button to stop the
alarm temporarily. When the alarm rings again, press the camera or volume
button again. To stop the alarm permanently, pull down the status bar (by
touching the top of the screen and sliding your finger down until you hear,
"Status bar" or "Notifications"), scroll through the items,
pressing the selector on the alarm label (e.g., Casserole), and press the selector
to dismiss the alarm.
• If the
option is set to None, press the physical navigational controller or open the
keyboard to wake up the phone, then down-arrow once to the Snooze item, and
press the selector. To stop the alarm permanently, left-arrow from Snooze to
Dismiss, and press The selector. This method of snoozing or dismissing alarms
requires practice, unless screen reader volume is set to maximum, because the
ringing alarm drowns out speech.
Deleting and Editing Alarms
When a new
alarm is set, it is added to the chronological list of existing alarms so users
can quickly access and reuse it at any time.
To quickly
turn on an existing alarm – While on the list of alarms, scroll to the desired
alarm, long-press the selector, then scroll to and press the selector on Turn
on Alarm.
To delete an
alarm you no longer need – While on the list of alarms, scroll to the desired
alarm, long-press the selector, then scroll to and press the selector on Delete
Alarm. A confirmation screen appears asking if you're sure you want to delete
the alarm. Press the selector on OK.
To edit an
alarm (e.g., to pick the children up from school early) – While on the list of
alarms, scroll to the desired alarm, long-press the selector, then scroll to
and press the selector on Edit Alarm. Focus moves to the screen for setting a
new alarm, described earlier in this post.
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